Ionic Foot Bath

What is it?

Ionic Cleanse Foot Bath is stimulating our body to detox. After your foot bath is over you will be detoxing for the next 24 to 48 hours. Your urine may look darker and it’s highly recommended you drink purify water after your detox program. The machine utilizes steel electrodes which cleanse balances and to correct frequency required to restore cells to a healthy state and releasing years of bonded waste (toxins). The Ionic Cleanse Detox Machine generates the same effect as walking along the beach but only much more effectively. Reflexology teaches us that each foot is actually an outlet through which the body attempts to cleanse and rid itself of heavy metals and toxic waste built up in numerous areas of the body. Note that the foot bath machine also enhances the effects of other therapies. Keep in mind that when cells are imbalanced they impede the body’s functions to heal and eliminate toxins, parasites and heavy metals.

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